Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Vegan Chocolate PB&J Cake

Yeah, I said it, Chocolate PB&J cake. And vegan. Same sentence.

ok-not the best styling. yes, I know what it looks like

Okay, so this was my first foray in to vegan baking. I haven't had any processed sugar for the last 6 weeks and I was very worried about awakening my sugar monster but once I found this recipe I had to try it.

And all you haters out there, listen up-you wouldn't know it was vegan. I'd put money on it.

After I made it I thought it tasted pretty darn good but I took two slices up to the "College Guys" that live above us. I think they are in their early 20's.

I don't really know them but The Carnivore met them when we moved in. Kind of a creeper move I guess but I figured if they liked it, it must be good. Also, you can't be upset with someone showing up on your doorstep with cake, right?

I didn't tell him it was vegan until after he'd had two bites. He asked me what vegan meant. It is Omaha, ya'll.

money shot
He loved the cake. He ate his piece and ate
the piece I brought for his roommate.

*He later sent a text to The Carnivore saying the caking was "f-ing awsome" and "job well done!"

Here's the original recipe

What I changed:
Olive oil instead of vegetable oil because its what I had
Peanut butter frosting instead of chocolate glaze (recipe below)
Added a layer of blackberry jam on top of pb frosting in the middle

Baked at 350 for 17 minutes.

I got nervous it was burning because of the dark, dark color but I should have left it in the last 3 minutes since it was a bit more moist than I'd like and the middle stuck to the pans even thought I oiled them.

The batter was very runny. I was worried. It turned out fine.

Calorie count comes in at 468 per slice. I'm fine with that for a treat. Especially one with peanut butter.

PB Frosting
1/2 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons of vegan butter
2 tablespoons of Almond Milk

* The frosting was still too sweet for me, next time I'll only use a 1/2 cup of powdered sugar)
*Vegan butter could be left out

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